
To create a new post or a new page, you can run the following command:

$ hexo new [layout] <title>

post is the default layout, but you can supply your own. You can change the default layout by editing the default_layout setting in _config.yml.


There are three default layouts in Hexo: post, page and draft. Files created by each of them is saved to a different path. Newly created posts are saved to the source/_posts folder.

Layout Path
post source/_posts
page source
draft source/_drafts
Don't process my posts!

If you don’t want your posts processed, you can set layout: false in front-matter.


By default, Hexo uses the post title as its filename. You can edit the new_post_name setting in _config.yml to change the default filename. For example, :year-:month-:day-:title.md will prefix filenames with the post creation date. You can use the following placeholders:

Placeholder Description
:title Post title (lower case, with spaces replaced by hyphens)
:year Created year, e.g. 2015
:month Created month (leading zeros), e.g. 04
:i_month Created month (no leading zeros), e.g. 4
:day Created day (leading zeros), e.g. 07
:i_day Created day (no leading zeros), e.g. 7


Previously, we mentioned a special layout in Hexo: draft. Posts initialized with this layout are saved to the source/_drafts folder. You can use the publish command to move drafts to the source/_posts folder. publish works in a similar way to the new command.

$ hexo publish [layout] <title>

Drafts are not displayed by default. You can add the --draft option when running Hexo or enable the render_drafts setting in _config.yml to render drafts.


When creating posts, Hexo will build files based on the corresponding file in scaffolds folder. For example:

$ hexo new photo "My Gallery"

When you run this command, Hexo will try to find photo.md in the scaffolds folder and build the post based on it. The following placeholders are available in scaffolds:

Placeholder Description
layout Layout
title Title
date File created date